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Ring in Summer with Kevin Bacon and Jimmy Fallon's Beach Boys "Cover"

Fallon and Bacon's Beach Boys have burgers on the brain in this summery installment of "First Drafts of Rock."

By Christopher Rudolph

Everyone knows The Beach Boys hits like "Surfin' U.S.A.," "Good Vibrations," "Wouldn't It Be Nice," and of course, "Fun, Fun, Fun." But what about the earlier version of "Fun, Fun, Fun," that Jimmy Fallon and Kevin Bacon claim existed first?

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In August 2015, The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon Host and the MaXXXine actor teamed up for their recurring collab, "First Drafts of Rock," where they perform fictional early versions of pop hits from the past.

In this vintage-style installment, The Tonight Show stage was transformed into a black-and-white beach party — complete with surfboards and backup dancers — as Fallon and Bacon adopted the Beach Boys's wholesome look with their signature stripe shirts and khakis. (Tonight Show head writer A. D. Miles is also one of the Boys). 

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The real "Fun, Fun, Fun," released in 1964, is about a rebellious girl who takes her father's Ford Thunderbird. But Bacon and Fallon's "first draft" is pretty much solely focused on the food at the hamburger stand.

Instead of cruising around town in a T-Bird, Bacon and Fallon sing about what they're going to order, and the longer the song goes on, the sillier the lyrics get — until they're just repeating the word "hamburger" over and over again. The eventually even change the chorus to "Buns, buns, buns."

Kevin Bacon during a beach boys sketch on he Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon Episode 303

We don't know if Brian Wilson would approve, but we do have a sudden craving for hamburgers.

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Jimmy Fallon and Kevin Bacon sang Tears for Fears, Rolling Stones and more

"Fun, Fun, Fun" is just one of the many "First Drafts of Rock" that Fallon and Bacon have performed together.

They've also delivered alternate versions of "Free Fallin'" by Tom Petty, "Paint It, Black" by The Rolling Stones, and "Head Over Heels" by Tears for Fears, just to name a few.

Jimmy Fallon performing "Blowin' in the Wind" with actors Kyra Sedgwick and Kevin Bacon

In July 2017, Bacon's wife, Kyra Sedgwick, joined them for a special edition of "First Drafts of Rock" where the three of them played the trio Peter, Paul and Mary, and sang "Blowin' in the Wind." Their "first draft" of the folk classic had them asking ridiculous questions like "How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?" and what their favorite U2 albums are.

Watch Fallon and Bacon have a hamburger beach bash in the "Fun, Fun, Fun" video above.