Ariana Grande Sang "Get Happy" as Judy Garland in This Cut-for-Time SNL Musical Sketch
The 2016 sketch starring the October 12, 2024 Host was a showcase for her impression of The Wizard of Oz icon.
Judy Garland was a classic Hollywood icon, starring in a musicals, dramas, and comedies — but what if she captained a spaceship in a campy sci-fi film? That was the premise of "Cinema Channel," Grande's cut-for-time Saturday Night Live sketch from her double-duty stint as Host and Musical guest on March 12, 2016.
The sketch features Grande as Garland, who, as the sketch's fake movie show's host (played by Season 41 cast member Taran Killam) says, was facing career decline in the 1960s. That's his explanation for why "Garland" self-funded and starred in a B-movie, Up We Go in Our Fantastic Rocket. As we soon see, Garland can't help but put on a show for her crew.
Entering the ship's bay dressed in Garland's signature look (with a silver Jetsons twist), Grande performs one of the legendary singer's signature staples, "Get Happy" — despite being under alien attack.
Intergalactic space battles typically involve lasers and hyperspace jumps, but Garland enchants her alien enemy by singing "Zing! Went the Strings of My Heart." The alien's so taken by Garland's voice that he ceases fire, but Garland doesn't, blowing up the extraterrestrial's ship at the end of her number.
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Naturally, the actress suggests celebrating their victory by having her crew give a speech about her.
"Look at all the stars out there, Captain Judy Garland! There's gotta be over 3,000 of 'em, but even the brightest star doesn't compare to you," one crew member (Beck Bennett) gushes to her, while another (Kenan Thompson) proclaims, "If anything ever happened to you I would walk out into space and let my body explode."
Garland staffing her crew with stans? A true space queen.
This November, Grande is helping bring Oz to life for a whole new generation with Wicked. But she already did The Wizard of Oz star proud with this impeccable impression of the Hollywood musical icon.
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Ariana Grande hosts SNL on October 12, 2024
Ariana Grande returns to the SNL stage on October 12, 2024 as the third host of Season 50.
It will be the "We Can't Be Friends" singer's second time hosting SNL. She has been Musical Guest three times, including her double-duty turn.
An actress since childhood, Grande's killed in sketches even when she wasn't hosting. Watch a few below.
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Singer and Fleetwood Mac member Stevie Nicks will be the October 12 Musical Guest, her first time performing on SNL since December 1983.