Where's Eve? Do They Make it Home? 5 Biggest Questions For La Brea's Third and Final Season
With the return of La Brea on January 9 for Season 3, we've got a lot of questions we want answered before the final curtain call. Here are the ones we have to know!
There's no question that NBC's La Brea has been one of the wildest dramas to hit television in recent memory. In just two seasons, we've witnessed Angelinos fall into a portal on Sepulveda that dumped them back in time to 10,000 BC; the existence of the secret Lazarus Project from the future attempting to save humanity; time travel all the time; saber-tooth tiger attacks and interpersonal dramas between the Harris family and all the other survivors that would rival the best soap. And every single bit of it is "must-see" TV.
With La Brea returning January 9 to close out its series run with a final six-episodes, we've got a laundry list of questions we hope get answered before the credits roll. With such a broad ensemble cast of characters and major plot threads yet to be squared, here are just five of our biggest questions we are desperate to get answers to for the sake of our mental health!
RELATED: A Comprehensive Rundown of the Entire La Brea Cast
Where the heck did Eve Harris go?
Arguably, the biggest cliffhanger in a proverbial hornet's nest of Season 2 finale cliffhangers, is where the portal randomly sent Eve (Natalia Zea). The reunion of the Harris clan, including Eve, Gavin (Eoin Macken), Izzy (Zyra Gorecki), and Josh (Jack Martin), proved to be very short-lived once she shockingly went "poof" into the portal. But this dynamic is pretty par for the course with this family, who even in their own time was struggling with Eve and Gavin's marriage separation and split home scenario. Let's hope that she is somewhere that cracks the pretty dire stuck-in-time conundrum they're facing in Season 3. But will we see her again? We think so, the question is just where (or when)?
Will Gavin reunite with his mystery sister?
In Season 2, Gavin's father, James (Jonno Roberts), uses his dying breathes to tell his son to pass on the message to his sister that he failed them both. Quite the fraught moment to lose your MIA dad and also find out you have a sister that's coming for him. Warned of her ruthless demeanor, a strained reunion in the wake of dad's death and failure seems like a bad thing, right? And is James' confessed failure just about the Lazarus Project, or did he mean something more personal that only his daughter will understand? And does she know about Gavin? So many questions!
RELATED: La Brea Season 2 Finale: All Your Questions, Answered by the Show Creator
Will Lucas and Veronica's baby be born safe and can they protect it in 10,000 BC?
Not exactly the best time to find out you're pregnant — stranded in prehistoric times — but Veronica (Lily Santiago) and Lucas (Josh McKenzie) are expecting! And they're serious about bringing their baby into the world. Already teased by showrunner David Appelbaum as a major storyline in Season 3, you have to wonder if there might be a time jump or some interesting portal effects on the pregnancy that will bring Veronica closer to labor for dramatic effect in the last six episodes.
What prehistoric creatures will we see this season?
The Season 3 trailer confirms what Appelbaum teased already, which is that: “One of the fun conceits of the show is these auroras can bring things from any time period, and for us the coolest thing we could think of was to bring dinosaurs [laughs],” he said. Previously, La Brea featured predators like dire wolves, Giant sloths, bears and Sabertooth tigers. It seems pretty fitting to end a prehistoric story with at least a T-rex, but keep the critters coming. We're beyond ready to see whatever crazy critters the show budget has when it comes to threats to the characters.
RELATED: New Mosasaur Species, Jormungandr the World Serpent, Found in North Dakota
Do the survivors finally make it back home?
James' portal, which we assume is the last of its kind, was destroyed in the Season 2 finale, which begs the question - can they get out of the past and back to their present? On paper, it looks bad. But going back to our first question - maybe where ever the portal put Eve, she can help engineer a way home for her family and new friends?
The first two seasons of La Brea are streaming now on Peacock. Season 3 premieres January 9 on NBC.